Wednesday, January 4, 2012

YEY Shooting time^^

Hey Lovelies (again^^),

Two days ago my dear friend Mysteri  asked me if I knew models to shoot her entry for the Diamonds 2012 Contest ... and well... as I am one... I was totally up for it.

She asked me to pick a pirate outfit and a lady-look and I came up with:

Cipher Punk Pirate Captain Lacey Red and...still kinda piratey but hey...I just HAD to do it:
Elisabeth Swann´s wedding dress

next she ported me to Pirate Sim Tamayo - it was quite laggy and we both crashed several times but the sim was very nice^^. When we were done she grabbed both me and my beloved Daegus to her studio: Temptest Imagery Studios  to shoot him first, then do a couple of couple shoots and...well here are the results - or..the first  batch of them - if I get more I´ll add them^^:

I think she did an AWESOME job^^ (I´ll always envy those, who know how to create pics like that...^^) see I´ve not been lazy, in fact I´ve been quite busy refurbishing our Hall of Freaks (our home^^) and my RL flat hehe (still at that.... few small changes but still)

more news soon
take care


  1. Thanks for the spot there Glam! You are the best!

  2. hey anytime hun^^ (pah you´re the one who did the awesome work ;) )

  3. the pictures are great and Mysteri is a great photographer! Love the lighting techniques
